The French sewage ball

In Paris whenever there is a blockage in the cities’ sewage system the French bring in the giant sewage ball to unclog the pipes. I don’t know how it works but I imagine its much like the movie Indiana Jones where instead of Indy being chased by a giant ball its French shit being chased out of the sewers. Sorry about the annoying video.

Giant Costa Rican balls

Stone Ball

In the 30s while land was being cleared for plantations in Costa Rica workers came across hundreds of stone balls made by Costa Rica’s former inhabitants before the Spanish killed them all. Ranging in size from a few centimetres to over two meters in diameter. Almost all of them are made of granodiorite, a hard, igneous stone. No one knows what they were used for or how they were made so perfectly spherical.

Texas Beach ball

As part of a commercial those crazy Texans threw a giant beach ball off a roof in downtown Dallas.

Biggest ball of barbed wire


What sounds like a really cool idea is in fact kind of anticlimactic. Oh its just a big ball of wire. I was expecting razor wire goodness with perhaps a story on how in rolled over and trapped its creator in its sharp, ever cutting, grasp.

Ball of rubber bands

In 2003 crazy Brit Tony Evans created what was then the biggest ball of rubber bands in the world. The end result was the massive rubber sphere with a 14ft 8in circumference which weighed 2,600lb and was made up of six million elastic bands. In what I’m sure was video goodness in 2003 Ripleys Believe It Or Not TV show put in an plane and threw it out at a mile up. The producers expected it to bounce into the air but instead it exploded on impact creating a crater and throwing thousands of elastic bands in every direction.

Strangely I can’t find the video online but there are these red necks trying to trash a car with medium sized rubber band ball:

Apparently the Rippley’s TV show inspired Lauderhill, Florida resident Joel Waul to create a 6-foot, 7-inch tall, 9032-pound rubber band of his own that he then sold to the Orlando-based Ripley’s Believe It or Not museum. No word if they will also throw it out of plane.